Wednesday, April 25, 2012

blank for sports poster

blank image for your poster

Assignment: sports poster instructions with criteria

Learning Objective: 
1. SWBAT determine a balanced composition for a "sports" poster by creating a poster
2. SWBAT evaluate and utilize appropriate blending mode given a photo by creating a poster

AIM: How can we design a sports poster by using the gradient tool and blending modes?

Find photos for your sports poster here:

Find examples of Sports posters here:

You will need to photos extracted from background of athlete
a. action shot of entire body
b. photo of face

in the blank image, layer the action shot on top of the face
play around with orientation

desaturate the face shot
Ctrl + U

create a new layer under the desaturated face image
adjust levels (ctrl + L)

use paint bucket fill the new layer with a color

on the desaturated face image, find an appropriate blending mode (try luminosity first)
call me over so I can confirm

add an out glow layer style to full body action shot layer

Add the aup logo under the photos (s)

a. Use the magnetic lasso with contiguous unchecked and delete out white from aup logo.

b. Reduce the size of AUP logo

c. Reduce the opacity of the logo to about 30%.

d. Add a layer style (white) of one PX to aup logo. 

Write your name in a LARGE font, 
add a layer style, stroke

Write the sport you're playing and "Athlete and Scholar" or "Musician and Scholar" in a medium font, 
for example 
             Athlete and Scholar
add a layer style, stroke

Write your initials, really small, in the corner. "Hide" them by making the color of the initials just a little bit different from the background. 

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday 4/22/12 Do Now Graphic Design

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Monday 4/22/12 Do Now Graphic Design

not at all a whole lot

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

dropbox reminder

hey guys, 

blending mode movie poster project

AIM:How can we recreate Movie Posters using our knowledge of the range of blending modes?

Blending Mode Projects:

Assassination of Nixon
little ashes
V for Vendetta
Blood Work
Stephen Marley
I can do Bad All by Myself
Italian Job
Bourne Supremacy

Mr Drozd

8th Period photos
baseball field photos
field trip 1 photos
field trip 2 photos
AUP building
Comic Photos

End of Semester Survey

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End of Semester Survey

Please press submit when you are done.

I've learned nothing I've learned so much!

not productive at all extremely productive!

I've learned nothing I've learned so much!

not productive at all extremely productive!

I've learned nothing I've learned so much!

not productive at all extremely productive!

I've learned nothing I've learned so much!

not productive at all extremely productive!

I've learned nothing I've learned so much!

not productive at all extremely productive!

not at all a whole lot!

not at all a whole lot!

not at all a whole lot!

not at all a whole lot!

not at all a whole lot!

not at all a whole lot!